Find out more about your right to join and/or form a union and your rights as a union member:


Become a member of one of the most successful and innovative unions in the nation. To find out what the IUJAT can do to improve your workplace, provide you with a secure future, and protect your interests, contact us at:

(203) 205-0101



Weingarten Card (English/Spanish)

What to Do if You're Stopped (English/Spanish)


A program to help support fellow IUJAT members and their employers. Find out how which businesses and services are available or how to get your shop involved.


USWU’s JATF Program

USWU LOCAL 355 JATC periodically accepts applications for Apprentice Training Positions in:

  • Plumbing

  • Sheet Metal Working

  • Sprinkler Fitting

  • Steam Fitting

  • Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Call: (631) 589-5880